5 Natural Skin Care Treatments You Can't Live Without

There are lots and lots of skin care treatments and products on the market. Some treatments are bad and some are good. In this article I'm going to give you 5 of the better ones you can start using. These are all natural and can be done with natural products.

#1 Nettle Tea For Acne

I used to assume that nettle was nothing more then just a weed. Boy was I wrong. It is really a herb that is used for many different things. Nettle has even been used by some to help cure skin cancer! The good news is that nettle tea taken regularly can actually kill acne. It has many anti-inflammatory properties that make it good for the skin. Give it a try.

#2 Olive Oil

If you want to moisturize your skin naturally then I highly recommend that you give olive oil a try. This is good for just about anyone. Moisturizing the skin is a great way to reduce wrinkles and keep your skin in top condition.

#3 Lime Juice And Cucumber Juice

One of the major parts of a good skin care routine is to use a cleanser. Some cleansers contain harmful chemicals that are not good for the skin and can cause it to dry out. There is not need to worry. All you have to do to make your own is to use lime juice and cucumber juice. This makes for a great cleanser and can help even out skin tone at the same time.

#4 Yogurt

Most people don't realize how great yogurt can be for the skin. Yogurt can be used to help keep your skin moist and can also help even out your skin tone. All you really need to do is apply some yogurt to your face every mourning and then wash it off with cold water.

#5 Mint Juice

I really love mint juice for dry skin and acne. All you have to do is apply some to your face over night. This can also be very useful for those who have eczema breakouts. I recommend you do give this a try.


There are many other great treatments you can use that are all naturally. Most people just don't realize what incredible products are available to them and they are completely natural.

About the Author:

Janis smith is the author of The Skin Care Secret. You can learn how to have vibrant, glowing, radiant skin just like Janis teaches by signing up for your free 25 day skin care lessons! To learn how women are getting the gorgeous skin they have always wanted visit http://skinsecretsforwomen.com/

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/skin-care-articles/5-natural-skin-care-treatments-you-cant-live-without-619096.html

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