Make Sure Herbal Skin Care Products Can Really Help

What are the advantages of herbal skin care products?  What can herbal treatment for the skin actually "do" in the long-run?  The advantages are many and there's a lot they can do.  You just have to be sure to choose the right product.

There are many herbal skin care creams on the market that still contain hazardous artificial ingredients, such as preservatives, colors and fragrances.  Even some of the natural fragrances, when concentrated, can cause an allergic reaction.  Linalool and Coumarin are examples.

In some cases, the only reason that the company can call the cream an herbal treatment for the skin is because it "smells" like an herb or botanical.  A pleasant aroma is nice, but it isn't doing anything for your skin's health.  It certainly does not slow down the formation of wrinkles or the other signs of aging.

Give Your Body What It Needs

If you're like me, you realize that good nutrition contributes to the health of the organs within your body.  It also contributes to the skin's health.  Can an herbal treatment for the skin provide the nutrients that your face and outer body need to stay healthy?  Well, let's see.

Your skin's daily nutritional requirements include:

  • A, B and E vitamins, which serve various functions including the prevention of free radical damage and protection from UV radiation from the sun
  • Calcium, potassium, sodium and iron, which help maintain the skin's moisture balance and firmness
  • Coenzyme Q10, the skin's levels of this antioxidant are quickly depleted by UV radiation form the sun
  • Essential fatty acids, provide moisture, prevent dryness and contribute to the production of new cells and fibers
  • Amino acids, which acts like glue to hold the new cells and fibers together
  • Protein, which is the building block of new skin-cells

An herbal skin care lotion that focuses on a single herb cannot provide all of these things.  It takes a combination of botanicals and other natural ingredients to provide all of these nutrients.

One botanical and herbal treatment for the skin does provide all of this nourishment.  There are some botanical extracts that are particularly rich in vitamins and minerals.  Kelp, for example, provides vitamins A and most of the B group, as well as all of the minerals mentioned above.  It also protects amino acid levels within the skin.

Coenzyme Q10 can be sourced from plant oils, as can essential fatty acids and vitamin E.  In order to be effective, botanical and herbal skin care treatments should contain a variety of plant extracts and oils, but one of the most important proteins for the skin's health is keratin.

The best source for keratin is sheep's wool.  It's not an herbal treatment for the skin, but it is the most important ingredient for preventing the signs of aging.

Whatever you do, investigate the ingredients in herbal skin care lotions carefully, before you buy.  Adverse reactions can do permanent damage to your skin's health and appearance.

About the Author:

Jami Goode researches effective anti aging skin care products that protect and promote good health. Visit her site at to discover the skin care products that Jami recommends.

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