The Right Dry Skin Care Solutions

If you know anyone with dry itchy skin you know how hard it can be to get relief.  Rather than just applying a cream for dry skin care, you need to focus on several issues.  First, let's look at some of the causes of dry itchy skin.

If you have not had the condition evaluated by a dermatologist, you might want to consider it, although you can try to take care of the problem yourself.  Typically, it is a lack of essential fatty acids in the diet, particularly omega-3s that lead to excessive dryness.

For dry skin care, you can supplement omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.  There are some really good fish oil supplements on the market.  You can also supplement the fatty acids by applying them directly.

Grape seed and avocado oils are rich in essential fatty acids.  Grape seed is a little lighter and can be worn throughout the day.  Avocado oil is primarily found in night creams, as it is a little heavier.

Your dry itchy skin may be caused by the chlorine in your water.  If you have not already done so, you may want to consider a showerhead filter.  Chlorine and other chemicals strip the essential fatty acids right out of our outermost layers.  Compounds commonly found in lotions, creams and other skin care products will also reduce skin's natural oils.

I recommend that you avoid some of the big brand names, because they are composed primarily of petroleum byproducts.  On dry itchy skin, these compounds improve the condition initially, but eventually, they will leave you feeling drier and itchier than ever.  The ingredients to avoid include petrolatum, paraffin and mineral oil.

You should be drinking about 3 liters of purified water per day.  While soda manufacturers advertise that their products are hydrating, they have twisted the facts.  During surveys, the RDA teams found that some people do not drink water, but are not suffering from obvious dehydration.  Drinking plain water is the best choice for hydrating the body and it an important part of dry skin care.

Night creams will help relieve dry itchy skin more than any other products.  Avoid the ingredients that I mentioned above and shop for all natural, safe, preservative and fragrance-free products.  They may be a little more difficult to find, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Effective ingredients for dry skin care nighttime cream include manuka honey, avocado extract, Shea butter, Functional Keratin, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E and palm oil.  That may seem like a lot to ask for, but there is at least one cream that contains all of them.

For dry itchy skin, I would have to say that Functional Keratin has the most proven effectiveness.  In clinical studies, Functional Keratin has been shown to heal dermatitis in a very short time.  It was originally studied as a treatment for detergent-related dermatitis.  It's an inflammatory response to harsh detergents, sometimes referred to as dish pan hands.  The symptoms include redness, cracking, excessive dryness and itching.

Being aware of the causes, and the treatments that really work allows you to find the right dry skin care solutions.  You will be more comfortable and look better, too.

About the Author:

Jami Goode researches effective anti aging skin care products that protect and promote good health. Visit her site at to discover the skin care products that Jami recommends.

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