Secret Acne Cure - Does a Secret Cure For Acne Exist?

Most big name companies want you to believe that their product is the "secret acne cure" that will give you full clear and radiant looking skin seen in their ads. You've probably seen those ProActiv commercials on TV telling you to try their best three step cleanser which will give you skin like Jessica Simpson or Vanessa Williams. The thing is these stars are getting paid millions of dollars to do this, so don't always think that just because they're promoting ProActiv it means that they prefer it over any other type of acne treatment.

You ever watch David Chappell? Well he once did a stand up comedy where he told a story about endorsing Pepsi and Coke. When asked which tasted better, he really didn't even know. But he did tell the crowd, "All I know is that Pepsi paid me most recently, so it tastes better." Ah the power of big corporate money... I wouldn't blame 'em. If someone asked me to say that ProActiv was the one secret acne cure in the world and paid me a million, I'd say, "Heck yeah it is!"

The point is many companies will have you believe that their next new thing is the secret acne cure when in fact it's probably been around for ages. Active ingredients such as Benzoyl Peroxide seen in ProActiv can literally be bought at your nearby Walgreen's for half the price. However, I do believe in a secret acne cure that modern American culture tends to neglect when it comes to fighting off acne.

I mean you can do things such as having a body and skin friendly diet, rather than eating foods that are just waiting for a chance to get in your body and cause an acne breakout down the line. You know, spend that extra 10 minutes preparing yourself with a turkey and ham sandwich, a bowl of fresh fruit, and a glass of nice, cold water. Doing this consistently will help clean out your body from inside as well as help you achieve clearer, more radiant looking skin.

So, in conclusion, everyone has had bad acne at times (including me), times where you don't even feel like you can get out of the house without people turning their heads and looking at you. And even if you have harsh acne right now, you can't just rely on a secret acne cure or secret cleanser to cure it! Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's no such thing. However if you keep up with a treatment that serves to help cure acne, not just from the outside, but also from the inside as well, you'll be able to completely heal and clear up you're acne within weeks.

To learn more about one of the best acne treatments, click here

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