Acne Cure Remedies - What You Need to Know

Have you been searching for answers to curing a tough acne problem that just won't go away?

If you're like me, you'll find that there is so much information on the subject of acne remedies out there, that its hard to know what is truth and what is really going to work on a tough acne problem.

I struggled throughout my early teen years into young adulthood with a chronic acne problem. I tried everything from cream medications to dry the pimples out, to antibiotics and harsh facial cleansers.

All these "acne remedies" seemed to do was to irritate my skin further, and the antibiotics made me sick and nauseous all the time.

I knew there had to be a way to cure my acne problem, but every time I tried another miracle cream or drug, I came away disappointed with the results, and every time I looked in the mirror, I was reminded how much I wanted to get rid of those ugly blemishes and pimples. As I grew into adulthood, my acne subsided, but I now had numerous scars and pitting , a constant reminder of what acne can do to your skin.

I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now About Acne!

I got married and had children of my own.As they began their teen years, I became concerned that they would have to go through the same struggles with acne that I went through.

Determined that I would somehow find some way to help my kids get through adolescence without the painful and emotional experience of a chronic acne problem, I began to research acne and its causes. What I found through my research was astounding. I only wish I had access to this information when I was struggling with my own acne problem.

What I Found Out About Acne Remedies, And What Really Works

As I began a thorough search on the causes of acne and how to prevent it, I found that there were numerous ideas presented both from the medical establishment and those that dealt in natural and alternative remedies.

When I researched a number of the prescribed pharmaceuticals that were highly recommended by the medical establishment, I was shocked at how many detrimental side-effects these drugs had associated with them. I knew I was not going to let my kids put these in their systems! Besides, I believed that these drugs would only treat the symptoms of the acne problem and not the root.

Finally I began to try some of the acne remedies on my kids that were suggested by some highly respected nutritionists and alternative medical professionals. The results have been nothing short of miraculous. Not only are these natural remedies working for my kid's skin, but they also have more energy and get sick less often!

3 Acne Remedies That Your Dermatologist Won't Tell You About.

As I began to apply the recommendations of numerous nutritionists and natural skincare specialists, I began to implement a whole list of these natural acne remedies on my kids. They became my "guinea pigs" of sort.

While many of these remedies worked well, there are 3 major remedies that you can implement right away to prevent and clear up your acne problem.

1. Reduce Your Sugar Intake.

Here in the United States, as you all know, we consume unbelievable amounts of refined sugar. It usually comes in the form of syrup derived from corn or sugar beets, and is found in almost everything we bring home from the grocery store.

High sugar intake has been shown to cause an increase of inflammation in the body, and can cause skin inflammation and irritation as well.

Many people report that after downing a can of soda pop, that they immediately experience a severe reddening of the face and skin irritation.

Even if you just reduced your sugar intake by 30 to 50 %, you would find a marked difference in the condition of your skin.

2. Eat Plenty Of Raw Foods

Our western diet has become so industrialized, that most of our foods come prepackaged and packed full of harmful preservatives.

A steady diet of these refined foods cause our bodies to become irritated and inflamed. Studies have shown that these type of foods do cause oily and inflamed skin conditions that can then trigger ulcerations and pimples.

In some third world countries, where the native people eat only raw fish and vegetables, there are no known cases of acne present!

Make sure you incorporate lots of fresh vegetables in your diet, and don't over cook your food.

3. Drink Plenty Of Water.

Our bodies are made up of 75% water, and our skin depends on proper hydration to stay supple and clean.

By drinking plenty of water, we can flush the impurities and toxins from you body through perspiration and through the action of the kidneys.

How much water you take in a day is somewhat debatable. Just make sure that when you're on the go to bring along some good, filtered water to keep yourself hydrated all day.

If you even just implement these three suggestions for improving and preventing acne problems, you'll be amazed at the outcome.

Of course, there are numerous other factors the will help to eliminate a bad acne problem that are just as important as these three mentioned above.

To find out more how you can stop a bad case of acne quickly, and keep it from ever coming back. visit the site below.

Do you have a chronic acne problem that won't go away? Find out how to quickly stop acne in 3 days! Highly recommended! Click Here for more information:

Eric Jacobson has been studying nutrition and the role it plays on human diseases for 15 years. He loves to share his findings with his readers, so that they may find peek health and happiness.

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