Permanent Cure For Acne - Anti Pimple Professional Recipe

Acne can be eradicated for good. Because pimples and other forms of breakouts are caused by the hyperactive testosterone hormone, and any excess discharge of it can be counterfeited by decreasing the said culprit hormones in the system.

There are a lot of medications given by licensed dermatologists to combat acne. One of the most popular options among females is progesterone hormones which could be substituted through pill intake.

Another is through a series of diamond peels which could be availed in any dermatological clinics. The process behind diamond peel includes a mini suction of dead skin cells and the contemporary laser ray use on the skin to promote exfoliation.

Vitamin C infusion is also added to reverse any dryness which can be brought by the first treatment, granted they are non invasive, but they are still foreign elements which are not natural to the body.

There is also chemical peeling if you want your acne zapped more quickly. Just be sure that you don´t avail of the method on your own for chemical peelings are serious medical procedures which can cause more harm due to high risk of post-pigmentation afterwards.

You can also ask your dermatologist for other optional treatments that may be offered, better yet best ask what is best for your skin type and status of your skin condition.

If you are going to spend on treatment, be practical and expect to spend quite a bit of money. If you are on a budget, there are also various natural acne remedies that can be quite helpful as well.

The advantages of using natural or herbal acne remedies is that it is natural and hence there are less side effects compared to other treatments. It is also cheaper but it may take a longer time to see the diminishing pimples.

By: Rick Lee

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