Natural Skin Care -- Beautiful Basics

Most of us try to look and feel our best with diet and exercise. Few consider the most important measure of our health should be given to our skin. The epidermis is the body's largest organ and also the most telling when something is wrong. Unfortunately, the largest organ frequently gets the least attention. Your facial complexion reflects health and life as well as disease, so we should all pay special attention to our face. Here are a few ways to make your skin reflect your good health.

1. Diet and Supplements

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy balance is to nourish your skin at the cellular level. When you are getting the proper nutrients and hydration, your skin will exude a healthy glow. A diet rich in dark green, leafy vegetables and plenty of fruit and fiber are key to healthy living. In addition, supplements play an important role to add the extra nutrients lost when cooking food. Vitamins C, E and beta-carotene replenish tired, dead skin cells and replace them with vibrant living cells. When taken regularly, these powerful building blocks, called antioxidants, are one of the best anti-aging tools in your arsenal to combat the ravishes of time. And to keep your skin firm and elastic, there are a few simple rules to follow costing very little time or money.

2. Rest

Sleep is an important component to healthy glowing skin since it's the time your skin cells use to regenerate themselves. It's hard to do with jobs and children, but try to get at least eight hours of sound sleep and pay close attention to your sleep habits. Some people need to sleep face down or in a three quarter turn, which presses their face into the pillow. With a traditional feathered pillow, this can spell disaster for your skin. When the delicate facial tissue is compressed for hours, it is not able to breath and can deteriorate quickly. Try using a memory foam pillow that is designed to mold to the contour of your face and neck. This will keep compression off your face and protect the elasticity in your skin.

3. Hydration

The importance of eight glasses of water daily is key to good overall health, especially in the skin. After just a few days of 64 ounces a day, you'll see immediate results in your skin's suppleness and elasticity. Water flushes away the impurities embedded just below the surface of the skin, leaving you with a freshly cleansed appearance all day. In addition, you will notice that fine lines fade as the hydration process plumps and firms your face. Water is the only answer to flush away toxins. Beverages such as coffee, processed juices and sodas also contain water, but they can add to the impurities lodged in the skin, so go easy on these choices.

To make the most of your water cleansing, try to avoid foods that contain salt, as this substance is notorious for water retention, clogging pores and making your face puffy. If you do eat a salt culprit, like potato chips, use wise portion control and be sure to drink plenty of water to flush away the toxins. Other foods to avoid are cured meats and canned goods that are loaded with sodium. Check the labels on your favorite products and try to eliminate processed foods and those containing salt. Sodium is your enemy and you should avoid it as best you can; your skin and heart will thank you.

4. Cleansing

Proper daily care starts with a sound cleansing routine to remove surface particles and deep clean your pores. Try an exfoliating gel to gently scrub away the grime and slough away dead skin cells. Beneath the upper layer of skin lie healthy, vibrant cells just waiting to be released, but they cannot shine until the dead cells are removed. Some people suffer a mild skin reaction to daily exfoliating cleansers, but that may be due to chemical ingredients used in that product. Never use products with harsh chemicals.

5. Moisturizing.

After a facial cleansing, a great way to seal in moisture to your face is to apply a peel-off mask containing vitamins and nutrients. One of the most effective masks is a product containing grape seed that seeps into your pores producing a lustrous shine and glow. Grape seed is 30 times more powerful than vitamin C and an excellent building block for cellular repair. Another effective alternative is a mineral mask that will deep clean your pores. Use your mask twice weekly for soft, supple skin and radiant glow.

6. UV Protection.

You should also consider possible sun damage in your daily skin care routine. If you live in a sunny climate or have many outdoor activities, it would be best to use a sunscreen. Some dermatologists suggest that you should use sunscreen every day, no matter where you live.

7. Exercise

Finally, exercise is of paramount importance to keep your capillaries open and a plentiful blood supply going to your skin. Aerobic exercise works best, but any kind of workout that brings the heart rate up will do. If there's no time in your busy schedule for the gym, try a brisk walk for a minimum of twenty minutes and watch your skin light up with a rosy glow. Exercise also acts as a cleanser as the sweat pulls toxins from the pores, keeping your complexion clean and clear. Daily exercise combined with water intake will not only enhance your skin, but also increase your endurance and stamina for life's busy schedule.

Radiant skin, the natural way, involves proper nutrition and cleansing, rest, water and exercise. Good skin equals good health and taking the time and effort to develop a proper skin care regiment can go a long way.

(ArticlesBase ID #1243127)

Mark and Janet Davis are a husband and wife team, health and nutrition entrepreneurs and founders of, a website with uncompromising, premium products for your health conscious family. Are you looking for more information on natural skin care? Visit us at or check out our blog at

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