Daily Skin Care Tips

With the way our days go by, most of us are busy with the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. It wouldn’t come as a surprise knowing that there are many, even the prettiest faces who have got skin problems, dull skin and occasional break outs simply because there’s never time for that three hour relaxation spa treatment.

To improve the condition of your skin without going all out on the pampering, indulge in daily skin care. There are actually only 4 basic things you should do to get good skin, starting with cleansing. Make sure that your cleanser is meant for the face and not ordinary bar soap as those can be too rough for facial skin. there is absolutely no need for fancy wash, so just stick to the common facial cleansers which you can purchase at pharmacies, malls and regular stores. Also, try to not overdo on the cleansing part, just wash your face once or twice a day and make sure you use lukewarm water. Cold and hot water can cause capillaries to break which wouldn’t look very pretty.

Furthermore, exfoliate your skin. There isn’t a need to do this every day, just once a week should do. Many tend to skip this but it is indeed an important step that can make a lot of differences. Don’t bother with those expensive exfoliating mask, just purchase regular scrubs and work it on your face for about 5 minutes then splash with warm water. This will help remove stubborn dirt and clean your pores as well. In addition to that, make sure you use a known brand for scrubs or try and test out a few before settling for one. Large grains from cheap products can tear your skin if not used carefully. However, if you want to save a few bucks and opt for a home remedy, mix olive oil with some sugar and use it as a substitute to your scrubs.

The next step would be to make sure your skin gets enough moisture. So always use a moisturizer once or twice a day depending on the brand. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got oily skin, you still should use some, just opt for something light. This is so because moisturizers don’t only work on the surface of your skin but beneath it as well by locking in the moisture keeping your skin soft and supple. Be careful not to overdo it with the moisturizer as it would result in clogged pores.

Last step to daily skin care would be to always use sunscreen to protect your skin from the damage excessive sunrays can cause. If you purchase a day moisturizer with UV protection, there would be no need for this, but do make sure you use something to keep wrinkles and dry skin at bay.

In a nutshell, skin care can be as easy as 123 if you take the time and effort to make it as part of your daily regime. So spend a few extra minutes on your skin and you would be glowing with difference.

freelance writer

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/skin-care-articles/daily-skin-care-tips-1318852.html

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