3 Mind Blowing Natural Cures to Get Rid of Acne - You Will Never Struggle After You Know This

Finding skin blemishes with acne is a sight the teenagers loathe. And why only the teenagers? Even adults struggle to come to terms with this ugly condition. Acne sufferers across the globe are leaving no stone unturned and are trying out varied methods of treatment, be it herbal or medical, that will help them not only to overcome this unsightly condition, but will turn out to be a permanent cure for their acne prone skin. Read on to discover some of the proven and supposedly best natural cures for acne....

Tea Tree Oil-

This is one of the most popular natural remedy for acne. Teat tree oil is an essential oil, and all you need to do is to dilute the same and apply it topically to your acne lesions. Researchers all over the world conducted extensive studies to portray how this particular oil works. Terpinen-4-ol, one of the main constituents of tea tree oil is responsible for most of the anti-bacterial activities centering round acne and blemishes. When applied topically over the acne lesions, the essential oil is known to kill the skin bred acne bacteria, the Propionibacterium acne.


Known to lend beneficial results, apply the juice of a lemon over your acne lesions and see what wonder it works.

Garlic medication-

Garlic medication work wonders when it comes to curing acne blemishes. Apply raw garlic over your acne lesions repeatedly through out the day, and see some your toughest acne problem getting resolved. Consumption of garlic thrice a day for an entire month is also advisable. This purifies your blood circulation and does a through cleansing and is enough to keep acnes at bay.

What you don't know yet- I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know what you can cure any sort of acne within 3 days? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself follow this link- Click Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rahul_Talwar

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