Acne - What Helps and What to Avoid

A natural treatment plan for acne emphasizes dietary changes. The second biggest contributor to acne is poor nutrition. Fat, sugar and processed foods accelerate skin inflammation and acne. Other considerations are stress reduction, detoxification, natural hormone balancing and identifying potential allergies.

What Helps:

DARK GREEN & ORANGE VEGETABLES: These are full of beta-carotene which helps maintain and repair the skin. It is best to eat them raw or lightly cooked.

FLAXSEEDS: Consuming ½ cup per day will provide plenty of fiber for proper elimination as well as useful essential fatty acids. Take with 8 ounces of water.

NUTS & SEEDS: Almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds are good choices for skin-healthy vitamin E and essential fatty acids.

GOOD QUALITY PROTEIN: Beans, lentils, peas, eggs and fresh cold-water fish such as mackerel, sardines, herring and salmon.

PLAIN YOGURT: The good bacteria in yogurt can help combat yeast overgrowth in the intestines.

ZINC: This is one of the best minerals for the treatment of acne as it promotes skin healing. Take 50mg 2 times per day.

SAW PALMETTO: Blocks excessive DHT of the sebaceous glands and is effective for both men and women. Take 160mg/day

DANDELION ROOT: Supports the liver, which may be overtaxed with toxins. It also acts as a gentle laxative and can help with waste removal. Take 300-500mg/day

MILK THISTLE: Also supports liver detoxification. Take 200-250mg/day

OIL OF OREGANO: Destroys yeast overgrowths associated with acne formation. Take 500mg twice a day or use the liquid form under the tongue (it tastes horrible but works)

COLLOIDAL SILVER: This solution should be in every medicine cabinet. It is has amazing anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Dab it onto pimples twice daily (also use on any cuts or abrasions and they will heal very quickly and likely not get infected)

TEA TREE OIL: Apply a solution of 5% tea tree diluted in water by dabbing on blemishes. Test a small area of your skin first for irritation.

GREEN FOODS: Chlorella, spirulina and other seaweeds and grasses support skin healing and detoxification.

What to Avoid:

JUNK & PROCESSED FOODS: Of course, this recommendation applies to everyone, but the toxins in these foods will lead to more acne.

SUGAR: Sugar encourages oil production and is a food source for bacteria and yeast. Artificial sweeteners.

POTENTIAL ALLERGINS: Wheat, dairy, sugar, chocolate and corn are common allergins that can trigger acne. Try an elimination diet to see if symptoms improve.

CAFFEINE: Tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks may aggravate skin conditions.

Linda Miner
Registered Nutritional Counselor

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